E-COM kassa is a 54-FZ cloud ticket service with the ability to buy or rent a cash register. The service allows you to generate a check via the Internet.Cloud box office is a box office that does not print a physical check and forms it remotely. Cloud box office always consists of software that can transfer requests from the Internet to a special box office.E-COM kassa mobile is an application that helps to generate checks remotely at the cloud office. For the formation of the check will be enough to enter the amount that speeds up the process of work.It is suitable for:- transport or taxi- for couriers- for insurance agents- for those who are allowed to form checks remotelyApplication features:- check templates- sending checks by email- pre-seizure with QR code- templates for insurance agents- choice of payment option- enter the amount up to a pennyE-COM kassa mobile is an application developed taking into account the specifics of the Russian mentality, fully meets the requirements of Russian small business and the legislation of the Russian Federation. In it you will find everything you need.